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Bradley Hunt: spreading the ideas of liberty in prisons

Bradley Hunt's dream is to put copies of Reason magazine in every prison. He imagines a world where thousands of libertarian books are donated to prisons

Bradley Hunt: “My dream is to put copies of Reason magazine in every prison. I imagine a world where thousands of libertarian books are donated to prisons.”

“When I was young, I got in trouble and ended up in prison. This is an experience that fundamentally reshaped my life. While it was a nonviolent offense, the situation made me realize that I did not have a sound ethical system to live by. It also allowed me to understand the corruption within our system, a system that has ruined the lives of millions of people. 

This is why, when I got out of prison, I decided to take full responsibility for my future and turn my life into something meaningful. The first thing I did was to apply and attend college. I am from Alpena, Michigan, so I chose to study at Northwood University, a private university in Midland, with the mission of ‘developing the future leaders of a global, free-enterprise society.’

Despite majoring in management information systems, the second decision I took in college was to read a lot of philosophy, especially Adam Kokesh, whose libertarian ideas against war really inspired me.

And the third avenue I sought to reshape my life was to join Students For Liberty. I joined SFL as I wanted to help others become leaders for good, just like I was trying to help myself become one. At SFL, I found enormous inspiration from its international activists, people fighting authoritarian regimes in places like Venezuela, Belarus, and Nigeria. 

SFL has empowered me to spread the ideas of liberty on my campus; it is also helping me create my own non-profit through an SFL competition known as LibertyLab. What I want to do with my non-profit Prisoners For Liberty is to spread the ideas of liberty in prisons. With Prisoners For Liberty, my dream is to put copies of Reason magazine in every prison. I imagine a world where thousands of libertarian books are donated to prisons. I believe this is the only way to achieve change, real change, the one that will allow us to save the lives of millions, just like SFL and the ideas of freedom saved mine.”

Bradley Hunt
Alpena, Michigan

This piece solely expresses the opinion of the author and not necessarily the organization as a whole. Students For Liberty is committed to facilitating a broad dialogue for liberty, representing a variety of opinions.



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