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Candidate for mayor of Minneapolis

Charlie Gers, current Campus Coordinator and student at the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, announced his candidacy for Mayor of Minneapolis. Gers is running as a Libertarian and is currently listed on the Libertarian Party’s candidates webpage.

Gers believes that his time as a volunteer with Students For Liberty has prepared him to get out in the real world and begin advocating for change in his city. When reached for comment, he said, “SFL has played a significant role in my life. Through its community, programs, and conferences, SFL has given me the tools needed to become an effective and passionate messenger of liberty.”

Among his positions which can be found on his Facebook page, he has detailed his support for free speech, explicitly condemning so-called “safe spaces” where disagreement and debate is not tolerated. His mayoral campaign is also aiming at reducing taxes, saying that “reducing property taxes is essential for the city’s progress.”

Charlie is excited to see how things shape up this November, and is looking forward to the opportunity to spread the ideas of free markets and individual liberty to a broader audience.

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Asia Pasific