Global Update

At Students For Liberty, we are working to create exceptional young leaders who are both willing and able to spread the message of liberty to others today. By offering leadership training, hosting events, and growing our global network, we are driving the freedom move- ment into the future, ensuring that the ideas are kept alive, and that there are more leaders ready to carry the torch of liberty tomorrow. 

Our work is not only about the future, it is about changing the world right now. The work of our student leaders will affect their peers, change university culture, and even policies on campuses, and in communities. While our vision is a freer future, we understand that if we want to achieve this, our task is to start changing the world today. 

Here is where you can find the most up-to-date activities of our students leaders who are spreading the message of liberty all over the world. 

Our Global Update videos and blogs are produced bimonthly and provide our readers with the ‘best of’ from North America, Brazil, Latin America, Africa, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and South Asia. 

Check out how our student leaders are making an impact across each inhabited continent!


Students For Liberty is the largest pro-liberty student organization in the world.

To get started, please select your region on the map.

Asia Pasific