Green Liberty logo. A project of Students For Liberty.
Green Liberty logo. A project of Students For Liberty.

Don't wait for politicians.
Save the planet now!

Green Liberty is for young leaders who are tired of waiting for politicians and want to move humanity forward. We empower students and organizations around the world to build real and feasible solutions to tackle most challenging environmental issues in their communities and globally.


Acknowledging and combating climate change

• The last 8 years have been the warmest on record;

• This is not the only environmental effect we have to address;

• To combat it, we need to capitalize on our development;

• We need long-term solutions to pick up the pace.

Eliminating barriers and excessive bureaucracy

• Regulations and barriers protect the disastrous status-quo;

• One-size fits all policies are expensive and ineffective;

• Governments prompt the issues they claim to fight;

• Barriers should be lifted to unleash innovation and build an infrastructure of the future;

• Short-sighted and self-serving policies deepen the crisis.

Smart and comprehensive action

• We need to improve how we live, move, work, and power our economy;

• Special interests and monopolies pick winners and losers, slow decarbonization, and increase prices;

• Individual choices and collective actions make all the difference;

• To improve our conditions and impact on the planet we need Sustainable Development and continued growth.



Embrace Positivity

For political reasons, many people and organized groups have probably told you that your individual initiative doesn't count. That no person alone can save the planet! But the truth is that the only way for us to save our planet is if everyone is on board. Climate change will be addressed by different people, using different methods, in different places, creating, testing, and implementing different solutions together. And you can be part of it!

Embrace Growth

All of humanity’s greatest challenges have been overcome by innovation. We have launched an incubator program, called the Green Liberty Lab, for our student entrepreneurs to create, manage, and execute environmental projects in their communities that will set a precedent for others to follow. Out of over 20 projects across 4 continents, the best one will receive $10,000 to scale up their idea for tackling environmental challenges through voluntary association and bottom-up innovation.

Embrace Science

We are providing a global educational campaign promoting sensible environmental policies and the power of the free market through marketing, programs, video, in-person events, and direct community actions. Our coordinators brought world-renown experts to their universities and lecture-halls, to reach more than 10,000 young leaders all around the world. Different regions battle different crises, and so we ensured that each region focuses on what issues and solutions are most relevant to their area.

Embrace Action

Our work does not stop at educating the public. Instead, we focus on making it actionable and train our coordinators to lead the charge for a better tomorrow. By empowering the young leaders to organize activities, conferences, clean–ups, tree-planting campaigns, and so much more, we ensure that change happens where it is most needed. Guided by leading expertise and research, our members from all around the world come together, work together, and bring actionable solutions to their respective countries.


epicenter logo

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