Nicola Iannello
Guest Author, Italy
“Nicola Iannello (1964) is a journalist and a Senior Fellow at the Bruno Leoni Institute (IBL).
He graduated in Political Science from the University of Pisa with a thesis on Alexis de Tocqueville and received his PhD from Sant’Anna, School of Advanced Studies in Pisa. His doctoral dissertation was published in 1998 under the title of L’ordine degli uomini. Antropologia e politica nel pensiero di Thomas Hobbes e di Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Pisa-Roma, Istituti Editoriali e Poligrafici Internazionali).
He authored several essays on contemporary liberal and libertarian thought and he also translated into Italian a number of works by Ayn Rand, Murray N. Rothbard, and Frédéric Bastiat. He also edited La società senza Stato. I fondatori del pensiero libertario (IBL Libri, 2004) and the collective volume (ed. Lorenzo Infantino) Ludwig von Mises: le scienze sociali nella Grande Vienna, published into the “Biblioteca Austriaca” collection in 2004 by Rubbettino. More recently, he edited Nessuna anarchia, poco Stato e molta utopia. Robert Nozick quarant’anni dopo (IBL Libri, 2014).
He also directed several editions of the School of Liberalism in Rome, Catanzaro and Cervinara on behalf of IBL and in collaboration with Fondazione Luigi Einaudi.