Group Network Kits

At Students For Liberty, we strive to provide effective resources for student leaders’ activism efforts on campus. Furthermore, we know that student activists are interested in different topics at varying degrees. Some activists may be more interested in regulation reform, while others might be more interested in free speech efforts on campus. Student leaders should be accommodated for the kind of activism they want to do.

If you would like to request an activism kit, please contact one of our Local Coordinators.

Focused on promoting the free market.

Focused on promoting civil liberties, particularly within the context of the drug war and police state.

Focused on promoting civil liberties, particularly within the context of the drug war and police state.

Focused on free speech on campus with a nice retro twist echoing the 1965 free speech movement at Berkeley.


If you would like to request an activism kit, please contact one of our Local Coordinators.

Ask a student on a college campus who Karl Marx is, and they will most likely recognize the name. They probably even know he is a central figure to the ideas of communism. Ask a student who Ludwig von Mises is, who F.A. Hayek is, or even who Adam Smith is, and they will look at you in confusion. It is clear that the ideas of free markets is not reaching students in the levels that it needs to be. To help our leaders make these ideas compete in colleges’ marketplace of ideas, we have created the “Less Marx, More Mises” Activism Kit.

In this kit, you will find the following contents:
Less Marx, More Mises posters
Less Marx, More Mises t-shirts
F.A. Hayek bookmarks
Taxation is Theft stickers
Copies of Morality of Capitalism edited by Tom G. Palmer
Copies of “I, Pencil” by Leonard Read
LibertyCon palmcards


If you would like to request an activism kit, please contact one of our Local Coordinators.

Policing around the world seems to continue rising and rising with no end. Governments not only spend an enormous amount of money to law enforcement that is either wasted or misused, but governments, also, continue to erode the civil liberties of their citizens. The “Don’t Tread on Anyone” activism kit is meant to enable students that are interested in educating people on their rights, advocating for lowering the incarceration rate, and promoting the ideas of responsibility over control.

In this kit, you will find the following contents:
Don’t Tread on Anyone posters
How to deal with police fliers
Incarceration information fliers
Don’t Tread on Anyone stickers
#SFLove Condoms
End the Drug War posters
Copies of Self-Control or State Control? You Decide by Tom G. Palmer
LibertyCon palmcards


If you would like to request an activism kit, please contact one of our Local Coordinators.

War, what is it good for? Besides an excuse to get out on campus and be active, not much. Peace and non-aggression are core values to libertarianism and classical liberalism. However, it seems that not everyone shares these values with us. With the threat of war always around the corner, we want our leaders to be equipped on campus to educate and advocate with the “Peace, Love, Liberty” activism kit.

In this kit, you will find the following contents:
Peace, Love, Liberty posters
#SFLove condoms
Copies of “War is a Racket” by Major General Smedley Buttler
Copies of Peace, Love, Liberty edited by Tom G. Palmer
Peace, Love, Liberty t-shirts
LibertyCon palmcards


If you would like to request an activism kit, please contact one of our Local Coordinators.

From free speech zones to campus speech codes, freedom of expressions seems to be at risk on the college campus today. However, free speech on campus has been a fight for decades. Students have always yearned to express themselves and the many ideas they have, whether political, cultural, or purely for entertainment. To fight for free speech on campus, we are kicking it old school through inspiration of the 1964-65 Berkeley free speech protests.

In this kit, you will find the following contents:
Free Expression, No Exception posters
Copy of FIRE’s Guide to Free Speech on Campus
“Berkeley style” free speech flag
Two blank picket sign/board
Two picket sticks
LibertyCon palmcards

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