Women for Liberty

Join us for a Winter Wonderland Training Experience! You will be trained in the art of crafting an effective message, media interviews, fundraising, and more! This will be a wonderful opportunity to network with other pro-liberty women in the movement and develop a plan for how you can advance liberty!

Bring your project ideas for how you can advance liberty in your community and on your campus. Some project ideas include: starting a Students For Liberty or Women For Liberty chapter, starting a podcast, hosting a large public program, changing an unconstitutional policy on your campus, starting a new nonprofit, etc. 

You’ll leave this retreat with a plan for how to advance your liberty project and individual mentorship for your project journey. 

We have a limited number of spots available, so apply now below to secure your spot at Students for Liberty’s Women for Liberty Training and Networking Retreat.




Current Month

Students For Liberty is the largest pro-liberty student organization in the world.

To get started, please select your region on the map.

Asia Pasific