Adriano Moliterno

Bio: An entrepreneur, Adriano started a small IT support company before concluding his Computer Science degree. Discouraged by doing the same job every day for more than a decade, he found an escape from the routine: graphic design. He joined the staff of SFL Brazil as a design intern, supporting the team in spreading liberty over SFLB social media. Listening to music, playing, and singing is his favorite hobby, but he likes board games, reading, watching movies/tv series, and spending time with his friends as well.

Favorite Figures in Liberty: Milton Friedman, Ludwig von Mises, and Ayn Rand.

On Students For Liberty: “SFL allows me to be in contact and work with amazingly talented professionals and students from Brazil and the whole world. Joining SLF certainly impacted my career change and made me grow professionally and personally. Now, I Stand up For Liberty.”

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