Book Published by Czech Students For Liberty Is the Book of the Month

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If you have been to any of our Czech team’s events in the past few months, you are already well familiar with Úvod do rakouské ekonomie – the group’s translation of professor Steven Horwitz’s book Austrian Economics: An Introduction, originally published by the Cato Institute.

The Czech edition came out in May 2023, after the team secured funding for the translation and print of the book all on their own, and organised a launch conference with addresses by renowned Czech economists. Since then, the team has been distributing the book at their events, and donated copies to libraries around the country, which often messaged the team themsleves to request them.

And this month, the book reached another milestone of mainstream acclaim, when the library of the Masaryk University, the second largest university in the country, displayed the publication as their book of the month. 

We hope that this endorsement will contribute to the book’s success in spreading the knowledge of sound economics in Central Europe, as well as motivate the local team toward more publication efforts: with almost all the printed copies of the book already distributed, the Czech Students For Liberty are already at work on a second edition!


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