Students For Liberty Announces Additions to LibertyCon International 2024 Lineup

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Students For Liberty, the largest international pro-liberty student organization, has several new speakers to announce for their flagship event, LibertyCon International 2024.

Washington, D.C., Aug. 16, 2023Students For Liberty, the largest international pro-liberty student organization, has several new speakers to announce for their flagship event, LibertyCon International 2024. The event will take place at the prestigious Grand Hyatt in Washington, D.C., from February 2-4, 2024. Early-bird ticket sales are available until August 31.

The first of these new announcements sees the return of John Mackey, co-founder and former CEO of Whole Foods Market, who led the natural and organic grocery chain to become a $13 billion Fortune 500 company. A firm believer in free market principles, Mackey co-founded the Conscious Capitalism Movement, which he has discussed with LibertyCon attendees in previous years. Bringing his wealth of knowledge and experience to the stage, students and guests can anticipate valuable insights into how the free market provides the most compassionate solutions to our economic challenges.

Making her debut at LibertyCon is Shoshana Weissmann. Highly active in the Washington, D.C. area, Shoshana is the digital media manager and a fellow at the R Street Institute. She is also on the board of the Conservation Coalition, and is a member of the Federalist Society’s Regulatory Transparency Project’s state and local working group. She is passionate about topics like occupational licensing and Internet censorship, something attendees at LibertyCon can look forward to.

The third and most recent announcement features a returning LibertyCon alumnus, Steven Bonnell II, better known as Destiny. Having achieved success through video game streaming, Destiny garnered recognition as a political commentator and debater. He frequently engages in online debates with numerous prominent political commentators, discussing topics ranging from war to economic policy. While his specific role at LibertyCon in Washington, D.C. has yet to be revealed, it is anticipated to become one of the weekend’s highlights.

LibertyCon International is set to tackle a range of issues, covering topics like freedom of movement, freedom of speech, free-market environmentalism, the harms of prohibition, criminal justice reform, the fight against inflation, and more. 

Students and attendees can take part in these discussions with us live in Washington, D.C. over the weekend of February 2-4, 2024. Tickets are now on sale at; early-bird pricing is slated to end on August 31, 2023. 

As the weeks and months progress, additional speakers will be announced. For more information or to schedule an interview with Students For Liberty CEO Dr. Wolf von Laer, please contact Brian Lambrecht at [email protected] or directly at 708-420-8324.

Brian S. Lambrecht
Students For Liberty
[email protected]

Students For Liberty is the largest pro-liberty student organization in the world, with students active in 101 countries on every inhabited continent. With a multi-million dollar budget and over 90 full-time staff members, they serve pro-liberty students in their pursuit to become leaders of liberty. They accomplish this through a strategy of identifying the top students and then empowering them to be agents of change in their communities. Last school year, their students organized over 2,573 events with 155,852 people in attendance.


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