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Nigeria Unrest: Explained

Students For Liberty will host a live discussion on Nigerian protests with Olumayowa Okediran and the Executive Vice President for International Programs at Atlas Network Tom G. Palmer this Thursday

Students For Liberty is set to host a virtual discussion on the latest protests in Nigeria: Nigeria Unrest: Explained, which takes place this Thursday, June 17, 2021, at 2 PM EDT live on our Learn Liberty YouTube channel.

On June 12, 2021, thousands of Nigerians participated in nationwide protests to remind the government of its true role; that it’s time to put an end to police brutality, the daily kidnapping and killing of civilians, nationwide corruption, and encroachments on Nigerians’ rights to freedom of speech.

This Thursday, executive vice president for International Programs at the Atlas Network, Tom Palmer, will host a one-on-one conversation with Olumayowa Okediran, Students For Liberty’s Nigeria-based Director of Student Programs.

“The #ENDSARS campaign, a youth-led movement against a rogue police unit, later morphed into protests against all forms of high-handedness. This is proof that the Nigerian youth will mobilize and protest with new digital tools that have become their means of livelihood, and their getaway to the global community,” — Okediran.

Olumayowa Okediran, like hundreds of others, has been kidnapped and threatened by SARS and local police several times:

“We do not want to live under a tyrannical government that bans Twitter at a whim. We don’t want to live in a country where the police brutalize us,”

said Okediran in his recent interview with CNN.




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