On February 24, Putin’s Russia launched a large-scale unprovoked invasion of Ukraine. Regardless of our political beliefs, we should all #StandWithUkraine against this act of aggression, which has already caused significant loss of life and livelihood to the civilian population. No matter where you are, you can contribute to Ukrainians’ effort to maintain their freedom and help individual Ukrainians whose right to live is threatened.

How to know what’s going on?

Start by catching up with the situation from trusted news sources, then help combat Putin’s misinformation, contribute financially to Ukraine’s defense or humanitarian organizations operating in the country, and sign-up to help us find accommodation for people fleeing Ukraine.

Before sharing, always make sure your information comes from verifiable sources. Don’t be tricked into feeding disinformation and war propaganda.

The Wikipedia article on the Russian invasion of Ukraine has been locked from unauthorized edits and can therefore be reasonably reliable for orientation in the development.

Important information if you are leaving Ukraine

Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania are currently accepting people from Ukraine with no visa requirements. Most European countries have waived residence permits and work permits for people from Ukraine. Refugees are also welcome without restrictions in the Czech Republic; the only requirement is to formally register with the local police within three days from arrival.

Lines at some crossings can be several hours long. Do not panic. Try to bring water with you if possible.

Border crossings to Poland and Slovakia are now equipped with emergency care and food and water supplies. Crossings in Slovakia have free shuttles arranged to Košice, with train connections further inland. Similar services are available in Poland.

Train services in Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic are now free for all Ukrainian citizens. WizzAir also announced free flights from Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Poland to other European countries for Ukrainians during March. Drivers in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Poland, are volunteering to drive to Ukraine and provide transportation. You can contact them directly here.

If you require transport from the border or accommodation, contact us!

How to Help Ukraine

Make an emergency contribution to Students For Liberty to specifically underwrite our ability to keep providing assistance to those affected.  Any amount will make a difference, and 100% of the amount raised will go towards supporting these activities. 

You can donate immediately by clicking here and selecting Ukraine Crisis Emergency Campaign checkbox, or here to donate Bitcoin via wire or DTC transfer (email [email protected] for instructions), or via mail to 1750 Tysons Boulevard, Suite 1500 McLean, VA 22102.

Ukraine needs humanitarian and medical aid. Some of the items you can donate include camping mats, sleeping bags, clothes, torches, nappies, baby food or formula, bottles for babies, pain killers, fever tablets, bandages, insulin, walkie-talkies, binoculars, gloves, neckwarmers, heat pads, power banks, first aid kits.


You can contact us to connect with our network across Europe and find drop-off places for aid packages.

We are currently collecting a database of everyone willing to help. If you can offer accommodation or provide transportation, contact us.


You can contact us to connect with our network across Europe and find drop-off places for aid packages.

  • Share only verified news from verified sources
  • Share the truth about Russian aggression and war crimes with people in Russia. Their media and government are lying to them. 
  • Go on Google Maps and search for restaurants in Russia, focusing on Moscow. Post this text (or similar, if you speak Russian): 

    Путин бомбит города в Украине: Харьков, Сумы, Киев. Погибают дети, люди в бомбоубежищах. Больше 5000 русских солдат погибли уже на братоубийственной войне. Пожалуйста, остановите Путина!


You can contact us to connect with our network across Europe and find drop-off places for aid packages.

  • Join the world fight against Putin’s propaganda by unfollowing Russian government-funded media channels like Russia Today (RT) and Sputnik
  • Be aware of red flags in pro-Putin channels, and pay attention to phrases like this
    • Special military operation to liberate Donetsk and Luhansk regions
    • Ukrainians want Russia’s help to change the government appointed by NATO
    • There is no war, just a rescue mission

Be on the lookout for protests and gatherings in your city or country. Our volunteers and other activists worldwide are putting public pressure on their government and the international community to support the Ukrainian people and put up the resistance to Putin’s regime. You can download and print graphic material here.

Share information on your social media channels and personally engage with Ukrainian activists and public figures so you can amplify the visibility of their message.

Remember, every action counts.

What SFL has been doing

Throughout the world, Students For Liberty’s network of students and alumni have been rallying behind the Ukrainian people by taking part in protests and demanding an end to the brutal actions being orchestrated by the Putin regime. In light of the tragic situation created by Putin’s aggression, Students For Liberty has been working to assist the evacuation of people from our network in Ukraine, along with their friends and families.

Dozens of people in neighboring countries and across Europe have generously offered accommodation to those fleeing the war, as well as providing aid and transport from the border. The efforts of our volunteers and alumni in the region have already helped a number of people reach safety. 

We are continuing to coordinate the evacuation of more of our friends in Ukraine and their families.

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